Web Design and Programming

Web design and programming implies a lot of topics and elements, and it is almost impossible to know it all. But that's not reason not to try!

  • 2012-08-09

    What Typeface to Choose

    Choosing the right font face for a website is crucial for two primary reasons: practicality and readability. Being practical means recognizing that content and other Web aspects will change and thus choosing a typography that will work well now and then. Being readable means making the site’s information as accessible as possible. A reader who has to work hard is likely to go to elsewhere.
    What Typeface to Choose
  • How to Integrate Copyscape’s API into Your PHP Applications

    How to Integrate Copyscape’s API into Your PHP Applications

    Scraping is an unfortunate consequence of having an online business. What scrapers do is taking content from your website and then posting it on their own website in an effort to use the content for search engine rank. In using Copyscape you can find out who is copying and scraping your original content and use the DMCA process to ask the site owner to take it down.
  • 2012-05-29

    Free Tools to Test Cross-Browser Compatibility

    Since the dawn of the commercial Internet, cross-browser compatibility has been a significant hurdle for webmasters. Web standards and full compliance were supposed to alleviate the burden, but that has not been the case yet; in fact, it is worse now than ever due to the introduction of mobile browsers.
    Free Tools to Test Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • 2012-05-15

    The 50 Best Photoshop Tutorials for Beginners

    Photoshop is the most powerful and sophisticated graphics editing program on the market. With all that power and sophistication comes a complexity that is a significant hurdle for most newbies. A great way to overcome that hurdle is through tutorials specifically designed for beginners. With that in mind, we present the 50 best. We’ve ordered them as naturally as possible, but students should feel free to bounce around the list as well.
    The 50 Best Photoshop Tutorials for Beginners
  • Hire a Web Designer or Design the Website Yourself?

    Hire a Web Designer or Design the Website Yourself?

    Most new websites, unfortunately, fail. That failure doesn’t happen because of bad ideas or a lack of effort. It happens because the site owner makes poor fundamental choices. One of the most essential and toughest decisions when setting up a website concerns web design: Do I design it myself or do I hire a professional? In the following article, we’ll explore the various solutions along with their pros and cons.
  • 2012-04-16

    The 30 Best Tools to Create a Mobile Website Listed

    In the United States alone, mobile devices account for 8.5 percent of all web traffic, and conservative estimates suggest that that number will double in a year. The time to create a mobile version of your website is now. The sites that don’t get up to speed now will simply fade away as less users access them. With that in mind, we present to you the 30 best tools for developing a full-featured mobile website.
    The 30 Best Tools to Create a Mobile Website Listed
  • The 20 Best CMS For 2012

    The 20 Best CMS For 2012

    A content management system (CMS) is a platform that facilitates management of digital text and media as well as a collaborative approach. A web content management system (WCMS) is a CMS specifically tailored to websites, and a website management system (WMS) is a WCMS that includes modules for e-commerce, communication and community management. In this article, we use CMS as a general term to refer to all of these technologies.
  • HTML5: The New Placeholder Property for Better Form Instructions

    HTML5: The New Placeholder Property for Better Form Instructions

    A coder’s job function is to make a website work properly with the least amount of code as possible. Succinct coding creates efficient, fast websites that are easier to debug if errors occur. Although the World Wide Web Consortium, W3C, lists HTML version 5 in “working draft” status, browsers, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and other search engines, already support the new HTML5 tag snippets. HTML5 supports easier coding for multimedia, microdata, such as rich snippets, and more form values than older HTML formats. Among HTML5’s new form element properties, its “placeholder” property gives coders added flexibility.
  • 2011-08-19

    How a Hacker Performs a SQL Injection Attack and How to Protect Your Data

    Hackers use Structured Query Language (SQL) injection to steal or delete data on a database server. In extreme cases where security is poor on the database server, the hacker can gain administrative privileges on the server, leaving your database and even the Web server open to attack. Blogs, content sites and e-commerce sites are all vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. Even SSL certificates do not protect from SQL injection, so webmasters must implement security and programming standards to protect from data loss and theft.

    How a Hacker Performs a SQL Injection Attack and How to Protect Your Data
  • 25 Ways To Make Your Website Accessible

    25 Ways To Make Your Website Accessible

    As people’s use and awareness of the Web grows, accessibility (or “universal design”) becomes more crucial. Accessibility is determined not only by a website’s code but by its design and content, which is why accessibility, standards and usability are so connected.

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